Thursday, 10 January 2013

Green Homes Theyre Worth More And Sell Faster

Green Homes Theyre Worth More And Sell Faster
A recent article published by the Master Builders Association of WA outlines the results from a number of surveys on the greater Seattle real estate market. It found that green homes sell for 2-10% more per price point, 20-30% more per square foot and 20% faster than traditional homes! The report was compiled by Cascadia, the Vancouver Valuation Accord and Cushman ">Builders who construct green homes can charge more when they go to put them on the market. This will eventually convince more builders to adopt green building practices.

Home buyers benefit because homes with renewable energy systems significantly reduce the cost of living in a home and often improve comfort and make the home healthier to live in. Right off the bat, many home owners can expect to save 50-70% on their utility bills. Many new features come with generous tax credits whch make the renewable energy improvements more affordable. Lastly, home owners who retrofit their homes to include renewable energy systems can fetch a much higher price for their home when they go to sell it, and the homes move off the market much faster.


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