Friday, 3 August 2012

What Are Some Alternative Energy Sources

What Are Some Alternative Energy Sources


Since the coal and mineral oil are formed from the fossils of plants, both of them are called fossil fuel.


Coal is extensively used in industries, factories and trains in the form of fuel. Coal has become a major source of fuel for metal industries like iron and steel, brick factories and cement industries.


Petrol, diesel, kerosene, mobile etc. are mineral oils. These oils are generally used in motorbike, tractor, train, airplane, ship etc. in the form of fuel. These oils are also drilled out of underground mines. It is obtained in the form of crude oil. After taking out of mines, it is obtained in the form of crude oil. After taking out of mine, it is then purified into petrol, diesel, kerosene, mobile, paraffin etc. and out of the remainder, tar is made. This tar is used to make tarred roads. During the purification process of petroleum products, various gases along with crude products for making plastics are also released.


* It is cheaper and more abundant in comparison to other types of fuels.
* It can be easily transported.
* It is a multipurpose fuel. Thus, it is used to run different vehicles and engines.
* It is also used in industries and factories that require abundant heat supply and also in generating electricity.


Electricity is the main source of energy to be used in modern computer, television, radio and telephone along with various means of communication. Electricity can be generate from various techniques but the cheapest and the most pollution free energy source is the hydro power, it is cheaper on a long term basis since the electricity is always obtained continuously.


The generation and use of hydro power has become increasingly wide spread over the world. The following are the reasons behind it.

* Although the production cost is high, it is cheaper in a long term basis.
* This is no pollution from it.
* It is renewable energy sources and is never depleted.
* It is cheap and easy to transmit. It is also easy to use.
* Electricity is the only major source of energy for computers along with modern devices, other electronic devices and means of communication.
* Modern light producing appliances are also operate by it.


If alternative energy sources can be developed and increased their uses, the constraint imposed on mineral fuel may be decreased and the energy crisis can be minimized.

On the other had, we are frightened from the peril of energy crisis while on the other hand, various fuel sources around us are also wasting away. If new technology can be developed to use these waste fuels, the energy crisis can be solved altogether. In the existing context, the maximum utilization of the following alternative energy sources seems to be imperative.


Wood, biomass, bio gas, hay, stray, chaff etc. all are organic sources of fuel. These sources are all renewable sources. The fuel, sources such as wood, hay, straw, chaff, etc. are used in domestic purpose. These can be used instead of coal or cinder. When bio gas plant is constructed using modern technology and gas produced from cattle waste is used to raise fire, we can be free from pollution and it has also high heating power. The animal waste can further be used as organic fertilizer in crop fields after having produced the gas. Human waste and rooster's droppings can also be used along with this. The use of bio fuel is mainly more useful in villages and hilly areas. It should not also be forgotten after increasing the use of wood as bio fuel source that new sapling should be planted in order to increase forest. The piece made from the compression of sawdust, chaff and fragments of straw by machine is called bio mass.


These days, technology has also been developed to generate electricity from the tides and surge of the sea. A big dam is constructed at the seashore near water. In the sea, when tides surge up, water enters the dam after crossing it and is trapped in the dam. Again when the tides ebb, water from the seashore moves to the middle part of the sea. Pipes are placed for the trapped water to return to the body of the sea. This water is used to run turbines and electricity is generated.


In most part of the world, wind blows with high velocity almost all the time. If the wind energy at places where the wind and the storm blow regularly can be converted into electrical energy, the pressure imposed on the storage of mineral oil and coat can be minimized to some extent. When wind flows, large fans are run. The generators linked to them generate electricity. In this way, in some parts of the world, wind energy is found to have been used. Wind energy is also a renewable source.


The core of the earth is extremely hot. During the eruption of volcano, the molten matters present in the core come out on the earth surface. In the areas where earthquake and volcano are very active, the temperature increases by about 80 Celsius per kilometer depth. In some places, extremely hot rocks are found within some depth below the earth's surface. When water is send to that place, water is readily vaporized. The vapor power is used to run steam engine and electricity is generated.


According to the present status of energy use in the world, 35 percent of the necessary energy has been fulfilled from the mineral oil. With the pace of development, the use of means of transportation has also been increasing and as a of world's energy supply. In this way, the yearly demand of fuel energy has been on the increase in the world by about 2.5 percent and if no step is taken for its proper use and conservation in time, the energy crisis will arise and alternative energy source will be needed.

Wood, firewood, cattle dung, hay etc. are called biomass. It has been found that the use of these types of energy sources is more in the third world and the undeveloped countries. Though the population in the undeveloped and poor countries is more, the demand of fuel is still less. The biomass fulfills about 13 percent of the world's demand for fuel. It has been found that, of the world's totals consumption of fuel, about 5 percent is supplied by hydro power and 3 percent by nuclear reaction.


The natural gas, coal and mineral oil have been fulfilling about 80 percent demand of total fuel necessary of the world. The sources of these fuels are mines. The storage of these fuels in the mine is limited. Also the sources of these fuels are not renewable. Therefore, it is very likely that the storage of fuel is used up in the near future.

According to the survey conducted in 1984 A.D., it was estimated that these fuel sources would used up within 25/30 years but it has been estimated in mid Eastern Asia that there is still new storage of oil three times greater than the existing one. If still all these storage areas are discovered and the consumption continues with the same existing rate, it is very likely that all these mineral oil and coal will be used up by 2076 A.D. The demand for these mineral oil and coal will also increase with the pace of development. If the consumption rate increases year by year by 2.3 percent, it is likely that the storage of these mineral oils will be depleted by 2037 A.D. If alternative energy source is not developed and the fuel sources not conserved, a big energy crisis will arise in the future.

Since it is likely that energy crisis will arise in the future, scientists and technologists are finding ways to solve it. It is a high time that all humankind should be after finding the ways to solve the energy crisis. We can adopt the following ways to solve the energy crisis:

* Use fuel wisely and economically.
* Conserve the existing fuel.
* Develop alternative energy sources.


Fuel should be used economically, that is, it should not be used unnecessarily. Thinking seriously about it, we can adopt a way to conserve fuel in very sector. Kerosene, diesel, petrol, electricity and wood that we save, can help drive the energy crisis away.


Sometimes we happen to hear that a fuel cargo ship has an accident and millions of liters of crude oil has spilled over the sea. There is a custom to set fire in forest. We also read the news about an accidental or on purpose setting of fire in woods and destruction of many woods and wildlife. We can prevent such events if we take a little more care wisely on our duty. In fact, the forest is a renewable source for fuel to be formed after the laps of gas. Because of fire, saplings (future trees) are also destroyed. These sapling can also be destroyed while cattle are grazing in the forest. We should always be active to converse the fuel at areas wherever we can.


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