Honduras-based Grupo Terra awards two companies turnkey conglomerate to container aptitude willing following 25 Gamesa G90 wind turbines following a sort fragment of 2 MW all and sundry.IBERDROLA minion strengthens firm footing in wind power advertise in Honduras, having prior to commissioned principal wind farm in Central America (Cerro de Hula wind farm, fragment higher 100 MW) booth see. IBERDROLA INGENIER'IA and Gamesa generate entered wearing an agreement following Honduras-based Grupo Terra to support the San Marcos wind farm in a turnkey project to set a price EUR62 million.This wind power aptitude decision generate a fragment of 50 megawatts (MW) and it decision be positioned in the civic of San Marcos de Col'on, 140 kilometres south of the Honduran riches Tegucigalpa and manageable to the maximum value following Nicaragua.IBERDROLA's minion brutal decision be in bill of work, procurement, structure and start-up of the wind farm. It decision in addition support an electrical substation and a 40 km power chain for uploading energy to the table.Gamesa decision be in bill of supplying the turbines for this wind power aptitude. To be greater particular, the multinational decision make 25 G90 draft wind turbines following a sort power of 2 MW all and sundry, following a hub top of 78 metres and a rotor diameter of 90 metres.The San Marcos wind farm decision foster explain in the lay where it decision be positioned, as it decision be pleasant of meeting the electricity requests of bumpily 100,000 Honduras homes and of creating firm 200 jobs due to the structure process.The property-owner of the wind farm decision be Grupo Terra, the principal internal energy project effective in Central America. In hub in Tegucigalpa, this confidence has broad ambiance in the structure, drive, maintenance and restoration of renewable and thermal energy projects.IBERDROLA minion is accordingly amplification its firm footing in the wind power advertise in Honduras, having prior to commissioned the principal wind farm in Central America (Cerro de Hula wind farm, fragment higher 100 MW) booth yearCerro de Hula was in addition built in a group following Gamesa. It is positioned bumpily 24 kilometres south of Tegucigalpa, in the municipalities of San Buena Ventura and Santa Ana. The property-owner of this aptitude is Mesoam'erica Impetus, a multinational specialising in the growth of renewable energy projects in Central America, via its complete minion Energ'ia E'olica de Honduras (EEH).IBERDROLA INGENIER'IA is today one of the highest global companies in its responsibility, following operations in approaching 30 countries. The main busy yourself of this minion is the draw to a close of work and structure career for other companies in the confidence and for third parties, in the areas of generation, nuclear energy, networks and renewable energies.
http://www.evwind.com/2014/07/09/iberdrola-y-gamesa-construiran-un-parque-eolico-en-honduras/?utm source=rss&utm medium=rss">
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