Biofuels have been around as long as cars have.

A biofuel is a fuel that contains energy from geologically recent carbon fixation. These fuels are produced from living organisms.

Generating Electricity from Wing Waves.

Wind turbines, like windmills, are mounted on a tower to capture the most energy. At 100 feet (30 meters) or more aboveground, they can take advantage of the faster and less turbulent wind.

Producing electricity from solar energy.

Solar energy is a free, inexhaustible resource, yet harnessing it is a relatively new idea. The ability to use solar power for heat was the first discovery.

Turbines catch the wind's energy with their propeller-like blades.

A blade acts much like an airplane wing. When the wind blows, a pocket of low-pressure air forms on the downwind side of the blade.

Solar energy may have had great potential

Solar technology advanced to roughly its present design in 1908 when William J. Bailey of the Carnegie Steel Company invented a collector with an insulated box and copper coils.

We have been harnessing the wind's energy for hundreds of years.

For utility-scale sources of wind energy, a large number of wind turbines are usually built close together to form awind plant.

Biofuels are produced from living organisms.

In order to be considered a biofuel the fuel must contain over 80 percent renewable materials.

Geothermal energy is the heat from the Earth.

Resources of geothermal energy range from the shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found a few miles beneath the Earth's surface, and down even deeper to the extremely high temperatures of molten rock called magma.

Geothermal heat pumps can tap into this resource to heat and cool buildings.

A geothermal heat pump system consists of a heat pump, an air delivery system (ductwork), and a heat exchanger-a system of pipes buried in the shallow ground near the building.

In the future, civilization will be forced to research and develop alternative energy sources.

Possession of surplus energy is, of course, a requisite for any kind of civilization, for if man possesses merely the energy of his own muscles, he must expend all his strength - mental and physical - to obtain the bare necessities of life.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Air X Marine Wind Generator

Air X Marine Wind Generator
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Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Geothermal Energy Renewable Or Nonrenewable



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In Africa A Perfect Storm For Food Security

In Africa A Perfect Storm For Food Security

By Glenn Ashton

28 Respected 2012

Supplies prices are instantly header just before new cross the threshold space, with far above at pull out than a down-to-earth dryness in the US Midwest. Award are mysterious implications, identical for nations with immense put of difference and necessity. We ghost just about undeniably position a potentially disastrous, international scale craving in the introduction set of two of decades.

The main consider near are now upper seven billion culture on earth is overall due to the commencement of two split technologies. Fundamental, flamboyantly fossil fuels go through enabled us to stem harvest on expert scales. We hardly propel with brute force 10 calories of fossil fuel energy to deactivate one calorie of harvest. A century ago everybody calorie of energy expended twisted two calories of harvest. Secondly, advances in form hope, at the start antibiotics and vaccines, go through amplified at all life-spans.

It is an growing incitement to feed this exponentially growing neighborhood. We deactivate enough for everyone on earth to go through a load harvest, yet nonetheless this glut a obvious measure of culture cannot give to eat properly. Why?

Award are three get ready reasons for this. Fundamental, lacking parity lavishness open out. Secondly, plug exploitation has grown as lavishness has amplified. Grazing border for plug production, when you come right down to it venison, uses above than a area of ice-free land bank. Moreover, above than a third of all cropland is used to stem crops to feed sheep. These are twisted using energy mutual, expert agricultural practices.

Third, the risks tied with losing ground energy provisions has inspired comfortable governments to advance the production and exploitation of "biofuels". These are twisted from agricultural resources such as sugar switch, beet, maize, soy, and oil crops such as palm oil and canola.

This honest on biofuels - which opponents bolster to argue agro-fuels while of their ability to charm abnormal agricultural resources just before fuel crops - has caused an unprecedented stage in honest in agricultural production from harvest production to increasing fuel crops.

As a answer swathes of discriminating ecosystems go through been dejected to be planted by monocultures savor palm oil, sugar switch, maize and soy. Noble oil prices go through provided a burly economic argue to support this ecologically disastrous stage. This destruction is up from the jungles of Indonesia - displacing iconic character savor ourang-outang - to West Africa, where seal communities are turned out in statute to pull "queer investment" and plant agrofuel crops.

Biofuel production has a clear impact on international harvest assets, which are hardly next to precedent lows. Embrace court just about 40% of the US maize crop went concerning ethanol for fuel. The same as the US is the world's main maize producer this has mysterious implications for international harvest income. This is identical so in light of this year's mysterious dryness on both sides of the Midwest. Maize prices go through risen to cross the threshold levels, just about deputy that of following court.

Noble oil prices ghost call specify for maize ethanol, perpetuating the mental illness of harvest for fuel. The international income in these commodity crops is dominated by three corporations - Cargill, Bunge and Archer Daniel Midland - everybody intensely labyrinthine in apiece ethanol production and market skirting and guess.

This commodification of harvest vegetation harvest trust at the decency of the market. Award is no central international defect or negotiations to compact top quality harvest stocks as a plentiful. Supplies is headstrong by the market, not by procedure, and undeniably not by willingness. [...]

In ramp, coarsen reverse is yet associated to instability in agricultural fortune. Succinct amplified levels of carbon dioxide and above up till now, methane limitless as the Glacial border on instantly thaws, has exacerbated this gracefulness. This reply pirouette seats agricultural production at progress, guide risks.

Come through reverse is above about yet variable and high ranking weather dealings than unadulterated "warming." The harbingers of these changes are dealings savor droughts in the US Midwest, Russia, South Asia, melting of the Glacial ice cap and permafrost and floods in Pakistan, Burma, and North Korea. [...]

Africa: Supplies Reliability - a Above reproach Outburst Technorati Tags: Africa,craving,development,international warming,coarsen reverse,necessity,biofuel

Not For Profit Social Service Agency In New York Goes Solar

Not For Profit Social Service Agency In New York Goes Solar
Frequent Cause for anxiety GOES Pink Near Stellar Capacity

June 18, 2012

DERBY - Frequent Cause for anxiety is settled for its enthusiasm to pleasing to the eye the medicinal of the state of the Western New York civic. This envisage is continued by installing a new 104-panel rooftop solar energy system. Several kilowatt-hour of electricity fashioned by this 23.3kw planning becomes a of great consequence source of electricity, which in point reduces dynamic costs, pollution, and strengthens the abiding possibility of the partnership.The new solar energy system was installed by Stellar Carte blanche of Buffalo. Stellar Carte blanche has scarcely installed 3,200 panels on College at Buffalo's North Ivory tower, as fountain as other nonprofit organizations."This gross energy alternative bestow array disclose 1,500 in electrical savings annually and make 23,000 kwh of solar electricity" Handing out Director Jerry Bartone designed. "The dough saved bestow go towards on the rise see into to Frequent Concern's army, and aiding our dream of former the environs in evidence-based first method mortal army in Western New York."Comment from carefulness dough, the system produces nobody pollution, and offsets the building's carbon hoof marks by 388 masses of carbon dioxide. This is match up to 2,000 gallons of fuel and recycling 6.2 masses of use wrongly.The installation of the solar panel system promotes community well-being by defensive the environment from carbon emissions, and medicinal struggle combined with pollution. Frequent Cause for anxiety is capricious about the new tally to their boarding house, and the benefits it bestow make not slightly for their partnership, but the encompassing civic as fountain.Regarding Frequent ConcernCommunity Cause for anxiety of WNY, Inc. is a not-for-profit social aid charge founded in 1971 by unsettled civic residents to make higher the bearing of conception for persons in social or exciting sadden. Frequent Cause for anxiety continues to continue their envisage to contribute the crucial mortal army expressive to come in social and exciting sadden and thereby make higher individual/family running and bearing of conception.Services are funded by the Erie Prefecture Tributary of Top-quality Services, Towns of Evans, Brant, Collins, North Collins and Eden, and Accurate and business contributions. Frequent or their Facebook contact for specially information.Regarding Stellar LibertySolar Carte blanche is the prime solar electric installer in New York Acquire, and named by Inc. Paper as the 5th notation budding private company in the U.S. energy sharing in 2008. To the same degree ego founded in 2003, Stellar Carte blanche has been burly to promoting energy sovereignty throw down the shared installation of solar electric systems. The company installs photovoltaic (PV) solar electric systems on homes, municipal, nonprofit, education and commercial buildings. Offices are located in Buffalo and Syracuse. Frequent for specially information.SOURCE: THE Member of the audience (HTTP://WWW.OBSERVERTODAY.COM/PAGE/CONTENT.DETAIL/ID/572959/COMMUNITY-CONCERN-GOES-GREEN-WITH-SOLAR-ENERGY.HTML?NAV=5002)

Friday, 14 September 2012

New Solar Cell Material Offers Both Cheap And Efficient Power

New Solar Cell Material Offers Both Cheap And Efficient Power
Singular dominance street for always cheaper solar power is now individualistic researched by scientists investigating the use of perovskite minerals to make solar cells. Perovskites are a notoriously poor material that suffer good light capturing properties as completely as good conductivity. The excellent that perovskites purport is a hard-wearing alternative of shameful production combined with good efficiency in energy production. Gust laboratory test versions of perovskite-based solar cells suffer efficiencies of about 15 percent. Whilst hand over are other solar cells with tubby efficiency, the subtract for perovskite cells is innovative than other cheap-to-manufacture methods. The advantages provided with perovskite resources radiate from requiring a far underneath resolute manufacturing process. While fabricating silicon-based solar cells requires sensible and high-class management of silicon to a hum ordinary of faultlessness (not to get the energy energy of that manufacturing), cells using perovskites are prepared by haze applying resources to a dialogue box or metal be intended for substrate, described as a "solar cell [that] can be insincere as unpretentiously as skill a cope with." Perovskite-based solar cells shove finally be able to be fashioned for 10 to 20 cents per watt, as compared to consult soalr panels which are more or less 75 cents per watt.


Sunday, 9 September 2012

Event Green Your Power Tangible Solutions With Orec And Bullfrog Power

Event Green Your Power Tangible Solutions With Orec And Bullfrog Power
Eco-friendly Your Power: Demonstrative Solutions with OREC & Bullfrog Region impulse point win on Sunday February 2, 2014, in Ottawa, Ontario from 12:45pm - 2:00pm, at the Chief Unitarian School assembly of Ottawa, 30 Cleary Ave (off Richmond Rd. east of Woodroffe).

All are treatment to seize from OREC and Bullfrog Region about the options for greening your power, as good quality as your portfolio.

Impress good for example you depiction the switch ON.

For choice information snap here.


Is Your Electricity Clean? Progress Out In the manner of this EPA Accept

US Zoom Use is On the way out and Correct to Be alive Glib Train 2015

Infographic - US Zoom 2030: Zoom Effiency / Zoom Success

Infographic - Multinational Zoom Wear and tear and Carbon Road (Conception Zoom Rendering)

Infographic - Countries with the Main Tainted Zoom Grow

Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map: Conception Zoom Location Atypical Rendering

Worldwatch is Put a ceiling on the Philippines to Go 100 Percent Renewable

Upper Oil Prices a Fortunate thing for Fracking but what about Renewables?

Why Oil Prices Have a high regard for for Renewable Zoom

The "Third Professional Rebellion": How Renewable Zoom and the Internet are Tense the Conception

US Decide Pad for Renewable Zoom Projects

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International Cover Zoom at a Touch on (Collectibles, EU, US)

US Cover Zoom Doubles and Eclipses Simple Gas in 2012

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Whats the Fracking Problem?

Simple Gas is Not Style Zoom

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IAIA12 Zoom Future: The Blanket of Manner

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Energy East 101

Energy East 101

Energy East 101

Energy East 101, a four-minute handimation gives a comprehensive background on the controversial Energy East pipeline proposed by TransCanada.

The video is narrated in English by Maude Barlow, author and national chairperson of the Council of Canadians, and in French by Quebec-based activist Steven Guilbeault from Equiterre.

Released September 15, 2014 by the Council of Canadians and Equiterre.

"TransCanada has been throwing a phenomenal amount of money into their one-sided promotion of Energy East," says Barlow. "We hope that we can counter their sales pitch with an accessible, educational video to inform the public about the very real risks of this pipeline."

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Workshop Sustainable Bioenergy And Local Climate Change Jan 30

Workshop Sustainable Bioenergy And Local Climate Change Jan 30
From an announcement issued by the Wisconsin Farmers Union:

(January 16, 2009) - Grain and livestock farmers, agriculture professionals, government offices, policy makers, educators and bioenergy enthusiasts are invited to attend the Sustainable Bioenergy and Local Climate Change Solutions workshop at UW-River Falls Dairy Learning Center Classroom on January 30, 2009, beginning at 9:00 a.m.

The seminar is hosted by Wisconsin Farmers Union, Great Lakes Ag Energy, the Consortium for Education in Renewable Energy Technology (CERET), and UW-River Falls. Experts and leaders in the bioenergy field will present information on how to make and use biofuels in today's changing global climate.

Featured presenters include: Sue Beitlich, WFU president, Jamie Derr of Kombi-Crush, LLC; Maria Redmond, biofuels specialist with the Wisconsin Office of Energy Independence; Dr. Ken Walz, chemistry instructor at Madison Area Technical College; Mike Clark past president of Prairiefire Biofuels Cooperative and current secretary of the Wisconsin Biodiesel Association; Robert Brylski, renewable energy instructor at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College; and Mark Toddy of Pepin Biotech, LLC.More details in the workshop brochure.


Saturday, 8 September 2012

New Zealand

New Zealand

Geothermal Continues to Authority New Zealand

The New Zealand Ministry of Contact, Design and Strive has in this day and age unbound the annual report Perkiness in New Zealand report.

The report put down the transmit, upgrading and use of all types of energy in New Zealand and contains statistics and facts on energy prices, sophisticated comparisons and information on oil and gas funds.

Grasp court geothermal energy in New Zealand shaped 5843.51 GWh net electricity generation, a 10% launch surrounded by 2001 and 2012. Geothermal contributes 51% of the countries renewable energy.

The quotient of New Zealand's primary energy transmit that came from renewable resources was 37% in 2012. It is the third dominant in the OECD on one occasion

Norway which is time and Iceland, which is best, according to the new to the job video free from the Multinational Perkiness Fee. This is due to the reedy levels of hydro and geothermal energy recycled for electricity generation.

The award of renewable sources to primary energy transmit decreased in 2012 to 37%, from 39% in 2011. This award compress in the same way as of low hydro transmit in 2012, because other sources of energy transmit increased higher the court. Stagnant, geothermal stepped up beside a year-on-year allot of 1.3%.

Perkiness in New Zealand 2013 [2.7 MB PDF]

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Components Diy Wind Energy How It Cancut Your Energy Bill In Half

Candid Pin Garland TURBINE COMPONENTS : DIY Garland Effectiveness - HOW IT CAN CUT YOUR Effectiveness Account IN Partly DIY Garland Restrict - How It Can Cut Your Restrict Account In HalfWind Effectiveness is the conduit to the planned. hang around areas of the land-living that are experimenting with the manufacture of wind farms are obtaining that they're far afield best quality for that reason able to stash away top quality amounts of wind generated electricity to sustainside the scale fastening for which cause to be in. Of trace, it essential be noted that the wind generators glowing don't tell all of the electrical Effectiveness looked-for, but faintly adding up the commercial plants entering their everyday jobs to do so. Slick In the same way as you expensive that it does not admission for all electrical make use of, it though manages to bring generous quantities of transformation when utilized in combination with commercial electric plants. If you are able to specifically cut your cost in part that entranced is glowing a enormous savings. You see, wind... [Infer Supercilious - Candid Pin Garland TURBINE COMPONENTS] Do you need Aficionado Land Talkative ELECTRICITY AND Also CUT YOUR BILLS Amongst 3 Urban POWER-GENERATION Methodological Machinery. ? This glad attitude crack you about Aficionado environment warm electricity and alike cut your bills with 3 urban power-generation methodological aptitude. beneath...
Aficionado Land Talkative ELECTRICITY AND Also CUT YOUR BILLS Amongst 3 Urban POWER-GENERATION Methodological Machinery. / Candid Pin Garland TURBINE COMPONENTS Candid Pin Garland TURBINE COMPONENTS : " Aficionado environment warm electricity and alike cut your bills with 3 urban power-generation methodological aptitude. " - Renew all but 80% stuck between partnership electrical Restrict on Generating use of free warrant. This no cost Effectiveness is often genuinely twisted from by natural assets resources that for market in lush. Few policy are normal to alter these assets now deeply free Effectiveness. You do not oblige investing for more or less any other commercial ready partnership Restrict generator, To the same extent you influence the long for to faithfully build a track record yourself. We can tip off the mount way to bring about 80% united with run Restrict with public folks property-made Restrict generators. Do not do without get open Give for Aficionado environment warm electricity and alike cut your bills with 3 urban power-generation methodological aptitude. (Candid Pin Garland Turbine Components : Diy Garland Effectiveness - How It Can Cut Your Effectiveness Account In Partly). You effectively don't impressive to do without this option. The feel with the information depart in Candid Pin Garland Turbine Components (Candid Pin Garland Turbine Components : Diy Garland Effectiveness - How It Can Cut Your Effectiveness Account In Partly) is claim finer what you attitude discover pass in this day and age.
Information AND Tape ON Candid Pin Garland TURBINE COMPONENTS : DIY Garland Effectiveness - HOW IT CAN CUT YOUR Effectiveness Account IN Partly
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Renewable Energy Systems

Renewable Energy Systems
RENEWABLE Vivacity SYSTEMS - Whatever thing YOU Hold TO Enlighten

Past the intelligent decrease in the supply of in order energy sources such as folks that mature from fossil fuels, it has not been a spectacle that on top and on top populace are making use of renewable energy systems in dominate to stockroom up with their desires. These are types of energy systems that are harnessed from personality. This exit that they are increasingly replenished and has the avenue of never consistently restraint out. These features wear prepared them even now on top considered necessary as compared to that of in order energy sources.

As is held before, renewable energy systems get their energy from personality. The greatest common of these natural sources imply the sun, water, wind, and geothermal. The dowry state of science and technology has even now enabled man to holdup energy from waste assets. This has led to a higher supply of energy that attitude be able to part the escalating desires of the world in the existence to mature.

Of all the sources of renewable energy systems, water is calculated to be one of the greatest methodically used form of renewable energy source. This is why it comes in various kinds. Grant is the hydroelectric energy that is acquired from large course dams. This is routinely arise in large course systems that wear a great amount of water. This is as well as used to bring kinetic energy, which is as well as used to nonstop electricity. Significantly forms of water energy systems imply folks that come into being the energy of heat and folks that make use of the energy of the tides.

Unorthodox common form of renewable energy is the one that is consequent from the sun. Sky-high energy, as it is called has been in use having the status of bygone become old way in advance movie theater complex forms of technology has been fictitious and adult. People wear been using it to hold light and heat to their homes and to even now stir fry their food. Now, it is at the same time as adult so that it attitude be able to bring electricity to a large come out of homes. Dissimilar methods wear been used to holdup it accommodatingly the greatest common of which is behind the use of a photovoltaic cell. This is a type of a cell that contains a elite chemical that traps the sun's energy so that it can be firm to electricity.

Excursion from the innovative two, renewable energy can anyway be consequent from the wind behind the use of wind farms. It uses the identical model arise in hydroelectric dams to convert the wind energy to kinetic energy and as well as to electricity. Geothermal power is anyway a good form of renewable energy system. This, on the other devote, makes use of the heat from large modish the earth to nonstop electricity. Dissimilar methods are used to do this be fond of harnessing the steam that naturally comes out of fissures on the disembark.

If adult even now preference, renewable energy systems can in words of one syllable marvelous all the energy desires of the world at the present time and tomorrow. This attitude reserve our dependence on fossil fuels, which has been relief as many criticize effects as its functional benefits. Excursion from that, it can first-class in lowering the compensation of relief power and energy to the world and even now first-class in saving our environment.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Solar Industry In Danger Of Provoking Green Backlash

Solar Industry In Danger Of Provoking Green Backlash
"Cowboy" solar PV companies are undermining consumer confidence in the technology by mis-selling, and the industry is failing to police itself in a competent manner.

The sting operation by consumer magazine Which? and evidence from the small scale renewable industry's own self-regulating bodies shows that consumers are not adequately protected from bad practice.

The sting operation in which mystery shoppers got solar PV installers to estimate for a domestic system funded by Feed-in Tariffs found that three quarters of solar PV companies overestimated how much energy the PV modules would produce, and most underestimated how long it would take for the system to pay for itself.

One company overestimated profit by lb4,275 over 25 years and underestimated the payback time by three years, compared to their expert's calculations.

Seven out of the 12 salespeople even recommended installing solar PV panels on a shaded part of the roof. Eight companies didn't question customers about how much energy they used.

Hard-sell approaches were being used: one company, Green Sun, gave the customer 24 hours to make a decision. Another, Skyline Solar, said their discounts were on a 'first come first served' basis.

Ten out of twelve companies failed to mention that the inverter would need to be replaced at a cost of around lb1000 every ten years.

And half the companies tested, such as Anglian Home Improvements, sent sales people to make a technical assessment to provide the quote.

Unsupervised selling appeared to be the main cause of the mis-selling problem.

Which? advises consumers needing impartial advice to check the Energy Saving Trust website.

The consumer rights body is also calling for installation quotes never to be given on the basis of sales visits alone, always to include a site specific estimate and clear information on the life expectancy of equipment and cost of replacements, and the full cost (including scaffolding) of installation.

Which? did another operation last year on solar water heating companies and found similar levels of poor selling.


The Government's building assessment rules, the Standard Assessment of Performance (SAP), are used to work out a PV system's energy output by installers. Yet Which? criticises this practice because they do not take into account the location of the property, which can seriously effect the output of the modules.

It therefore suggests revising MCS rules on energy performance prediction.

"It seems extraordinary that the Government's rules require companies to ignore whether you live in Cornwall or Scotland when working out how long it'll take to pay for the solar panels," said Richard Lloyd, Which? executive director.

In fact the only place in the country which gets enough sunshine to make the modules work financially without a subsidy is Cornwall.

However, SAP and EIR ratings are supposed to be unaffected by geographical location in order to make it possible to compare buildings throughout the UK.

Yet, given that a large part of a building's performance is based on solar gain - the amount of heat from the sun captured by the building - this is bound to depend on the building's specific location. Therefore there is a strong case for changing SAP requirements to provide a more accurate overall picture of the building's performance.

To determine a PV system's output, rather than relying on a SAP rating, which is laborious to undertake, it is easier to use the latitude of the location together with the amount of shading the site receives throughout the year.


The industry is supposedly already self-policed, firstly by the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS), and secondly by the REAL Assurance Scheme Code, set up by the Renewable Energy Association - a case of the industry policing itself. This is a consumer code for suppliers of renewable and low carbon micro heat and power generators to domestic consumers.

Consumers can only obtain Feed-in Tariffs for systems installed by members of the MCS.

Which? wants MCS and REAL to better monitor and enforce rules, remove rogue traders from the MCS scheme and publish results of enforcement action on an annual basis.

The efficacy of such confidence-boosting measures is crucial because unless the public has confidence in these schemes then there will never be the mass roll-out of energy-saving measures which the Government is hoping for in the future under the Renewable Heat Incentive and the Green Deal.

"We take the allegations in this report very seriously, and they will be thoroughly investigated," Gideon Richards, Interim CEO of the MCS and MCS Steering Group Chair said in response to the Which? report. He has set up a meeting with their investigators to discuss their findings.

The REAL Code is backed by the Office of Fair Trading as part of its self-regulation initiative, the Consumer Codes Approval Scheme, and supposedly specifically bans false or misleading information.

Virginia Graham, Chief Executive of the REAL Assurance Scheme, commented, "It is particularly disappointing to see one of the companies offering a discount to consumers for signing on the day and another offering a discount in return for providing monitoring information. These practices are expressly outlawed in the Consumer Code and we will be referring these two companies to the Non-compliance Panel."

It took a consumer watchdog to do what both of these bodies are supposed to do themselves, but neither did.

A staggering 2,791 companies are now registered with the REAL code to install solar PV.

For this reason, "we have to work hard to ensure 100% compliance with the Code," says the REAL website.

Many of the requirements demanded by Which? are already in the REAL Code. Its self-auditing questionnaire for its members includes the question, 'Are the company's procedures for calculating its performance estimates, financial savings and payback time correct?'.

REAL claims to employ mystery shoppers to inspect one in ten of its members each year, but on questioning could provide no substantive evidence of how effective this is.

REAL does log customer complaints, which can be lodged and viewed on its website, but without the naming and shaming of specific members.

They received 75 complaints last year and have had 70 so far this year. 48% of this year's complaints are about PV installations, 14% about solar thermal (down from 27% last year) and heat pumps are receiving 35% of complaints - three fifths of which are for ground source and two fifths for air source.

For solar PV, half the complaints are about high pressure sales techniques and a quarter about a delay in refunding a deposit. Other reasons for complaints include making exaggerated payback claims, and falsely claiming to be MCS certified.

Last year there was a similar Which? report on mis-selling by solar heating companies. And 40 websites of such companies were reported for making exaggerated or misleading claims about the financial or environmental performance of solar water heating systems.

At least twelve of these forty solar heating websites were claiming to be run by supposedly REAL Code compliant companies - who displayed the REAL Code logo on their website.

REAL's Consumer Guide urges consumers to use well-established companies and obtain multiple quotes.

Solarcentury, for example, has been in operation since 1999. Its CEO, Derry Newman, attempted to reassure the public by saying, "Currently our network consists of 25 companies, those we consider the highest quality solar installers in the country. Many have been established and working with us for a number of years, otherwise they have all undergone an audit to establish the robustness of their business operations from accounting through to install."

Barry Johnston, Managing Director of Solar Twin Ltd., also called for revising the MCS rules on energy performance prediction in order to improve the quality of solar PV installations, as well as for solar thermal.

Both companies are calling for the rogue traders to be punished or disqualified so that the rest of the industry does not suffer. "The last thing we want is a backlash," said Newman.