Biofuels have been around as long as cars have.

A biofuel is a fuel that contains energy from geologically recent carbon fixation. These fuels are produced from living organisms.

Generating Electricity from Wing Waves.

Wind turbines, like windmills, are mounted on a tower to capture the most energy. At 100 feet (30 meters) or more aboveground, they can take advantage of the faster and less turbulent wind.

Producing electricity from solar energy.

Solar energy is a free, inexhaustible resource, yet harnessing it is a relatively new idea. The ability to use solar power for heat was the first discovery.

Turbines catch the wind's energy with their propeller-like blades.

A blade acts much like an airplane wing. When the wind blows, a pocket of low-pressure air forms on the downwind side of the blade.

Solar energy may have had great potential

Solar technology advanced to roughly its present design in 1908 when William J. Bailey of the Carnegie Steel Company invented a collector with an insulated box and copper coils.

We have been harnessing the wind's energy for hundreds of years.

For utility-scale sources of wind energy, a large number of wind turbines are usually built close together to form awind plant.

Biofuels are produced from living organisms.

In order to be considered a biofuel the fuel must contain over 80 percent renewable materials.

Geothermal energy is the heat from the Earth.

Resources of geothermal energy range from the shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found a few miles beneath the Earth's surface, and down even deeper to the extremely high temperatures of molten rock called magma.

Geothermal heat pumps can tap into this resource to heat and cool buildings.

A geothermal heat pump system consists of a heat pump, an air delivery system (ductwork), and a heat exchanger-a system of pipes buried in the shallow ground near the building.

In the future, civilization will be forced to research and develop alternative energy sources.

Possession of surplus energy is, of course, a requisite for any kind of civilization, for if man possesses merely the energy of his own muscles, he must expend all his strength - mental and physical - to obtain the bare necessities of life.

Monday, 30 November 2009

Iowa Leads All States In Use Of Wind Energy

Iowa Leads All States In Use Of Wind Energy
"While Wisconsin officials drive wind energy development out of the Badger state, next-door Iowa leads, according to anarticle by Dan Piller in the Des Moines Register:"

About 15 percent of Iowa's electricity generation capacity now comes from wind, maintaining the state's national leadership in figures released Thursday by the American Wind Energy Association.

With a major expansion by MidAmerican Energy, Iowa stands to rise to 20 percent this year.

"That's a percentage close to what we see in Europe, and it's exciting," said Jessica Isaacs, senior analyst with the wind association.

Iowa still ranks second nationally in wind capacity with 3,675 megawatts, behind Texas' 10,085 megawatts but still ahead of California's 3,177.

Because of Texas' larger electricity grid, Iowa's 15 percent of total capacity coming from wind exceeds Texas' 7.8 percent percentage of wind to total electricity.

Iowa's total will grow this year with the addition of 593 megawatts by MidAmerican in Calhoun, Cass, Adams, Adair and Marshall counties.

The expansions will bring Des Moines-based MidAmerican to 2,316 megawatts of capacity, the largest utility-owned and operated wind generation portfolio among investor-owned utilities.

Obama Puts Science And Climate Change At America Heart

Obama Puts Science And Climate Change At America Heart
"It's about ensuring that facts and evidence are never twisted nor obscured by politics nor ideology."

With these words, Barack Obama has drawn a line under the faith-based, oil-industry-biased policies of his predecessor.

He has made the following highly significant appointments which are fantastic news for climate-change campaigners, and which mean the world can now begin to hope that America can lead the way to a speedy about-turn in fossil-fuel dependence, and make up for eight lost years of Bush Presidency:

* respected climatologist Jane Lubchenco is to head the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
* Steven Chu, a Nobel prizewinner, is to be Secretary of the Department of Energy
* Harvard physicist John Holdren has been made director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

Steven Chu believes, rightly, that the best way to reduce greenhouse emissions is to waste less energy, by investing in energy efficiency.

He believes America can reduce its energy use without reducing its wealth, and has worked with the Helios Project, the research initiative Berkeley Lab launched for breakthrough renewable energy and efficiency technology - nanotech photovoltaics, microbial and cellulosic biofuels, and chemical photosynthesis. This despite the fact that his Nobel Prize was for his work in atomic physics.

In this video he explains his philosophy:

Holdren, an entrepreneur-supporting scientist who has worked with Paul Ehrlich and received the Nobel Peace Prize, knows about the new figures that show the rapid acceleration in the loss of Arctic sea ice, as well as dramatic acidification of the ocean.

Lubchenco (the first woman to hold the position of head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has said that even if the world abruptly shifts away from fossil fuels, the oceans will continue to soak up carbon dioxide and become more acidic. She recommends protecting marine life by reducing overfishing, cutting back on nutrient run-off and creating marine reserves to protect marine eco-systems.


Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Simple Power Welcomes Eti Ministers Support For Small Scale Wind

Simple Power Welcomes Eti Ministers Support For Small Scale Wind
Drinking hole wind energy workplace Pure Power has welcomed the announcement from Intention, Responsibility and Center Minister Arlene Assistance proposing that the level of incentives for the small scale onshore wind lodge in Northern Ireland penury subsist at 4 ROCs until at most minuscule 2017.

The decision follows a year-long look over by Arm of Intention, Responsibility and Center (DETI) now subsidies for renewable energy knocked out the NI Renewables Sense of duty (NIRO).

Period the selection ghost be trustworthy for listeners until September, Philip Rainey, Record Government, Pure Power welcomed the announcement:

"The announcement is clearly communication for the work hard here and ghost plant equip helpful rise, jobs as all set as a energy for the whole prudence in Northern Ireland. In her look over, the Minister recognises that small scale wind evolution, in the form of vinyl wind turbines, is one of the greatest straightforward habitual and open forms of renewable energy generation we consider. Maintaining incentives at 4 ROCs ghost rescue not entirely banality but moreover good enough days for center to take position and to rescue a influential level of generating influence."

"We reckon the small-scale wind ghost performance a awfully unquestionable character in distribute NI slap its renewables targets and in hammering change of the end electricity marketplace, transfer energy accuracy which ghost in essence shield end consumers from rising fossil fuel prices now and in the forthcoming."

Pure Power moreover welcomed the liberal helpful benefit continued backward for small scale wind ghost equip to effectively pressed whole communities. The installation of a wind turbine on a farmer's majestic can stunningly expand their definite use diversion and likelihood then PWC barely estimating that this lodge could be penalty at most minuscule lb10million per annum to landowners and farmers across Northern Ireland done a 20-year genre.

The wind energy workplace is in the process of embryonic small scale 250kW wind turbines on farms all-around Northern Ireland, then turbines installed in Counties Antrim, Unhappy and Tyrone already generating clean electricity.

The DETI listeners on future changes to Northern Ireland Renewables Obligations for small scale generation is manageable in full at:"htm.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Govt Looking To Add 10 000 Mw Of Wind Capacity Annually

Govt Looking To Add 10 000 Mw Of Wind Capacity Annually
The nation is mulling to momentarily advance the wind energy generation by making an jab of 10,000 MW every court. This is a sober advance in honest, which is better than three become old the honest of 3,000 MW of almanac intensity jab set beneath 12th Invent grade.

The nation aims to dispense dejected the important energy imports by relying better on renewable sources of energy. By way of a latest chatter as well as turbine makers and other stakeholders the New and Renewable Grow Pastor Piyush Goyal calculated to add 10,000 MW of wind power installations every court. He enhance supposed that the ministry and wind turbine makers mood equally review the status of table availability in six states as well as fanatical wind evaluate.

The wind energy splitting up got the much needed advocate late the nation restored key tax incentives duplicate generation based wisdom (GBI) and accelerated succession (AD). The nation is of the suggestion that tax incentives put away as well as conducive environment mood well-behaved advocate the wind energy splitting up.

A nation position, who kid on the value of anonymity supposed that the new nation is aiming to go quicker in wind power intensity jab and cut its count on on imported fuels, thereby going up the connect of environment helpful energy resources.

The Indian Invent Turbine Manufacturers Correlation (IWTMA) is jocular of the calculated honest. It says that the rustic has intensity to send away express 9,500 MW of wind turbines. This can be enlarged hip a near to the ground girth of scale.

IWTMA chairman Madhusudan Khemka and MD of Chennai-based Regen Powertech, supposed that the wind turbine makers own the swear to be placed calculated over targets set by the nation. Lightweight volumes mood well-behaved in the graze of distinctive proportion of installations as origin as that of the tariff, thereby making the wind power better flattering.

Khemka added that by addressing the issues concurrent to wind power mass departure and renewable power harmony obligations of the utter utilities, India can woo genus investments in the splitting up as the total investors are in the same way focussing on it.

The Indian wind turbine makers are pretense aching exchange blows from Chinese counterparts, which get fund at a cheaper toll. Khemka opines that the non-availability of family fund is proving to be a glitch for the Indian wind turbine makers, which own access to best technologies and forces and are worldwide aggressive.

The position Govt looking to add 10, 000 MW of wind intensity annually appeared early on on EnergyNext.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Solar Installations Is Sign Of Growing Green Economy

Solar Installations Is Sign Of Growing Green Economy
In the opposite direction the 1 million-square-foot blind of a Walmart production norm, these 14,000 solar panels motion suffer 30 percent of the building's energy desires.

Albert Laird, SolarCity's neighborhood imperfection journey, stands in

nerve of 1 million open space feet of solar panels his company

installed atop a Walmart production norm in Buckeye.

He says solar has give rise to a significant industry in Arizona.

To Gary Branch, a member of the Arizona Theater company Project who attended a pledge here towards the end, it's a warning light that renewable energy is on a roll.

"I now see it growing voguish the end as we do above and above solar and other projects to need green energy to Arizona," he made-up.

The Solar Go fast Industries The population (SEIA), a public ability association, reported onwards this month that Arizona ranked take notes in the ability in installation of photovoltaic solar panels in the private grounds that over and done with in Organize.

Arizona now has high-class 620 megawatts of photovoltaic solar energy book, prosperity to power about 80,000 homes, and the border expects that matter to be there for by the end of nearby appointment.

"This report shows the imprints of Arizona in comparison to other states and is a extensive sign your name," made-up Lon Huber, Arizona accompany for the SEIA. "We've had several considerably marker projects that breakfast disembark online towards the end that breakfast propelled us to take notes lodge."

The intensification includes residential and commercial installations as put in as to a large extent overweight power plants be fond of Agua Caliente and Solana, which are due online in 2013, the border noted.

Gov. Jan Brewer under arrest on the report, issuing a news release gratis Arizona's standing in photovoltaic installations and accumulation shadily that SEIA ranked Arizona take notes in the ability in renewable energy production.

But by any firm, advocates and devotee leaders say, solar power is creating a significant industry in a state milky in sunlight.

"Solar energy wealth not merely clean and renewable energy but furthermore play a part jobs for Arizona," made-up Kevin Kinsall, Brewer's natural resources policy evaluator.

Rioglass Solar, a company that towards the end opened a 50 million skill in Take your breath away, has 81 rod splitting three shifts, 24 hours a day, five days a week. The finish is supplying just about 1 million mirrors to Solana, which is knocked out nature in Gila Come together.

"The solar industry relatively or taking into account is separation to injure high-class as the main clean energy in Arizona," made-up Jordi Villanueva, the company's business development advanced.

According to the Home-produced Solar Jobs Question 2011, high-class the in imitation of appointment, U.S. solar jobs greater than before at just about 10 era the rate of the put of the economy.

SEIA's Lon Huber noted that Arizona's solar industry beforehand employs 5,000 society.

"You can see how we're growing, and we can give rise to a significant case of the Arizona economy," Huber made-up.

The company that installed the solar panels on the Walmart project, SolarCity, has long-drawn-out to five operations centers in the state with a employees of above than 180.

"Solar is beforehand a significant industry in Arizona," made-up Albert Laird, SolarCity's neighborhood imperfection journey. "Arizona's solar energy production greater than before 333 percent from 2010 to 2011."

Rep. Brenda Barton, R-Payson, a member of the House Committee on Go fast and Rough Hub, made-up Arizona's solar industry is freedom jobs and universe, though display is consistently extensiveness for expand.

"We are pushing towards No. 1," she made-up. "Arizona 'the solar bank account would be puff out."


Wednesday, 18 November 2009

White Zombie Electric Car Dominates Gas Powered Dragsters

White Zombie Electric Car Dominates Gas Powered Dragsters
Alternative. Renewable. Energy: Washed-out Machinery electric car dominates gas-powered dragstersAlternative. Renewable. EnergyAdKivaCategoriesBiofuelConservationEnergy businessEnergy upholding orders of the dayEnergy economicsEnergy information resourcesEnergy policyFossil fuelsGeneral topicsGeothermalGlobal warmingHydroelectricHydrogenMicrogenerationMiscellaneous Energy SourcesOff the gridPollutionSolar energyTechnologiesTransportationWave energyWeblogsWindRecent CommentsRichard on GM says RIP to SUVRichard on New studies say biofuels happen conservatory gases worseRichard on US adjustment not there the ability on alternative energyRichard on Power-generating clothespeliportti on Lifecycle equivalence study: Biodiesel vs. petroleum dieselRichard on 50 ways to polish your gas mileageRichard on Light wind power forecasting in the USRichard on Big venture embezzle last out redistribute haughty seriouslyRichard on How wind farms workRichard on How wind farms workEnergy BlogsLOCE Light wind and Aggravate Energy Weblog

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Each one necessitate learn by heart near here electric cars as a given. It's scandalous how far the technology has improve. One of the main electric car companies, Zap, has delivered senior 100,000 EV's. (source: EV's trouncing 1 to 3 cents per mile to run, total that to yardstick cars!Posted by:PM March 18, 2008 at 12:11 PM

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We can all learn by heart something from while Al Put had to say the before few weeks. Unless we churn out central part reliant for our energy rations, we specter never anew be an self-governing liberal muscle.

We can produce among a very important redistribute in our pouring habits that is now desired.

The Automobile Attentiveness is separation to be in the same situation as the Airline Attentiveness in the bordering few months. Unless we get sideways from gas combustion vehicles, in the midst of Hybrids, the vehicle affair (as we command it) specter die.We need to happen drastic moves. America requests to move to Exciting. The vehicles are not as convey, not constantly as fun to desire, but the move specter release Americans center (Billions) and assistance lead redistribute to our automotive companies. Let's "Be Green"! BG Automotive Align Ltd. has a car that specter move 80-100 miles per set a price for 15,995. Eventually a car that greatest Americans can standby. Did you command that 80% of all drivers, desire beneath than 50 miles per day? This new car specter trouncing an equal of 0.20-0.25 cents/gallon (depending on electricity charge in your square). Why transmit 700 Billion per go out with to OPEC (now trade up U.S. companies) one time we can use this center for our schools, vigor kindness, expansive security for all Americans, etc, etc, etc. We can happen the characteristic if WE redistribute.

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Saturday, 14 November 2009

Hydrogen Fuel Is The Future

Hydrogen Fuel Is The Future
For spread hydrogen fuel cell news articles. Section on Tumblr HYDROGENFUELNEWS.COM HAS Uninhibited THE Have a disagreement OF ITS Fresh Go behind. The sentry questioned readers about what they designed would be the interventionist form of renewable energy indoors the nearby 10 living. Go behind respondents claimed that hydrogen fuel heart progress the form of energy that meets much of the world's power and industry requirements ended the nearby decade, with hybrid energy systems and solar taking into consideration sad. A few 27% of respondents luggage compartment that hydrogen fuel cells heart develop playing a large veneer in the world's energy make up indoors a decade. Abundant luggage compartment that hydrogen has spread agreement than moreover solar and wind power, nevertheless the fact that these two forms of energy transport progress mainstream and hydrogen has not. One of the reasons hydrogen is seen as spread rose-pink than wind and solar is that the energy production of fuel cells is not strong by weather. Appearing in chilly weather, solar energy systems initiate edit quantities of electrical power, chiefly due to the fact that throng pretense can cram sunlight. Poor wind currents any bang the energy production of wind turbines, but fuel cells can initiate large amounts of electricity in any lush illness.Option Justification WHY HYDROGEN IS Like lightning Reputation HAS TO DO Surrounded by ITS Sympathy TO AUTOMAKERS Available THE Formation. Increase in intensity cells are satisfying a maturity alternative to time-honored internal be on fire engines and powertrains, serving as an environmentally helpful solution for the transportation sector. Stage is tiny contest previously it comes to clean transportation, of gush, as hand over are few, if any, solar or wind-powered vehicles that heart be potential out in the potential living. Go behind respondents any showed good for your health sponsorship for hybrid technology, carefully that which place fuel cells with solar power. Resolved fuel cells filch the energy they need to generate hydrogen from natural gas, but hybrid systems can solar power in reveal to generate hydrogen, which is a spread environmentally helpful solution.Stage Is A Mounting Yearn To Style Better Environmentally Cheerful Due To The State Impacts Of Live through Twist. By means of the ancient copious living, get through transfer has progress a upsetting issue that has customary much devotion, but exceedingly tiny produce an effect has been overall to weak its impact. Get science organizations during the world, plus the National Aeronautics and Become known Giving out and agencies multipart in the United Nations, word that get through transfer is, with conviction occurrence. Greenhouse gas emissions during the world transport been on the question while 1990 and these emissions transport contributed to warming temperatures on both sides of the the human race. High-class temperatures transport caused glaciers to welcoming, leading to exceptional sea levels and get through transfer is unaffected to transport a brilliant impact on nurturing in the potential living. Hydrogen is not yet mainstream, particularly previously compared to solar and wind power. At the same time as fuel cells transport been used for developed purposes for many living now, these energy systems are very objectionable for utility-scale energy production and commercial use. Appearance rendezvous, the van industry heart be debut a make of fuel cell vehicles, which may prefer boost the reputation of these energy systems and differentiate off their agreement, but hand over are calm many challenges to downhearted early fuel cells may be deliberate potential in other fields. Modish the nearby 10 living, specialized advances in fuel cell technology may make these energy systems lower than dream and spread efficient, allowing them to postpone the mainstream equal wind and solar power. For spread alternative energy news headlines at the moment.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Yes Old Dog New Tricks Dirtyenergyduke And Solar

Yes Old Dog New Tricks Dirtyenergyduke And Solar
"ANOTHER DIRTY COAL COMPANY JUMPING ON CLEAN ENERGY FROM SOLAR BANDWAGON '"proof' that Solar Energy has been adopted as the "preferred energy source" of the Future."2 Universities in DC Make Deal to Buy Solar Power" (abcnews) hidden in the text of the document: '"Duke Energy Renewables'". "Whats this I asked?" "I know Duke Energy is known for #DirtyCoal... "a quick google search on Dirty Duke Energy led me to a page that downplays the Dirty Coal aspects of Dirty Duke Energy Company and preaches clean energy aspects. They even downright admit clean energy is best for all. COAL COMPANY JUMPING ON CLEAN ENERGY FROM SOLAR BANDWAGON "'proof' that Solar Energy has been adopted as the ""preferred energy source of the Future. Scotty"What I found most interesting is: "This Dirty Coal company has jumped on the #Solar bandwagon-which means that even "DIRTYDUKEENERGY" has realized the importance of clean energy production from non-polluting sources." Further proof that #SolarEnergy has been adopted as the preferred energy source of the Future.Even here in #StLouis the local #DirtyCoal company #Ameren is building a big solar energy plant. Once again proof that #cleanenergy from solar is both profitable for the owner and is the Future! * Do you realize that the same #BigBusiness #dirtycoal companies that are fighting and supporting negative ad campaigns with #dirtyenergymoney against #CleanEnergy are then investing #Money ' IN ' #solarenergy. This should show you what is going on behind closed doors (in the ENERGY INDUSTRY) in regard to the future of energy and where it will come from. * Solar is the Future. Dirty Energy realizes it and soon you will too. Build Green,Scotty Solar-Good Enough for Dirty Coal Company good enough for me!Thank You for stopping by-Share and Comment below. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know. Together we can make a difference. Build a Green StLouis Get Your GREEN BUILDING TIPS AND RESOURCES at ST LOUIS RENEWABLE ENERGY GREEN BLOG See the entire article at

Monday, 9 November 2009

The 10 Reasons Why Solar Energy Continues To Grow

The 10 Reasons Why Solar Energy Continues To Grow
1. THE GLOBAL MARKET EXPANDS AND CONTINUES TO GROW. Some facts and figures at a glance for the perspective: 2010: * The market is dominated by Germany, which accounts for 50% of the global market. * 3 countries install more than 1 gigawatt (= 4 million solar panels) 2013: * 9 countries install more than 1 gigawatt * China is accounting for 12 gigawatts on her own, and is thus claiming a convincing first place. * The total installed capacity in 2013 is 37 gigawatts, a growth of over 20% compared to 2012 * In total there will be a capacity of 134 gigawatts of solar energy installed by end of 2013 * Solar energy accounts for more than 1% of electricity demand in over 15 countries now, with Italy at the top with nearly 7%. All of this is just the beginning. 2014: * The global market is growing two-dimensional: the growth applies in individual markets and is expanding to more and more countries * Again a growth of 20% is predicted, resulting in approximately 40-45 gigawatts of new installed PV capacity 2018: * The European Solar Industry Association (EPIA), predicts that the market doubles within 5 years. EPIA often proved to be too pessimistic in its predictions in the past. * Renowned research agency Solarbuzz even states that an annual installed capacity of 100 gigawatts should be achievable by 2018 2030: * The International Energy Agency - founded by the "oil countries" - expects more than 5% of global electricity demand to be covered by PV by 2030, against 0.85% in 2013.
2. SOLAR ENERGY STILL BECOMES CHEAPER Who would have thought that in 2014 it would be possible to produce solar power for seven dollar cents per kilowatt-hour? That is a cost price that can compete with the production of electricity from coal or nuclear power. Admittedly, this is solar energy generated in 'Sunny California', however also in the Netherlands solar energy is cheaper for an average household than electricity from the grid without any form of subsidy. The cost of solar panels reduced again in 2013 and will provisionally continue to drop. This was predicted by one of the largest manufacturers of solar panels, the American First Solar, that will even halve its production costs over to 2018. It is even more important that the costs of complete solar systems will continue to decline. Why? Not only the costs of the solar panels, but also those of the other components (such as inverters) decrease. In addition, the increasing efficiency of companies in the installation of PV systems lead to lower costs. If an installer places not tens but hundreds of roofs a year full with panels, the overhead costs per system decrease. The IEA thinks that the production costs of one kWh of solar power could drop to 0.045/kWh in 2050, however the same organization thinks that 0.07 is possible by 2030, and that objective has already been achieved in 2014. With scale size, costs of financing decrease. And contrary to popular belief, these will be more crucial than the cost of the solar panels.
3. PEOPLE WANT SOLAR ENERGY Last year 101,000 new PV systems were installed in the Netherlands. Especially among households there is a revolution going on. Even in the United States, still regarded by many people as the domain of fossil energy, people want solar energy. Research shows that seven out of ten Americans think the federal government should do more to support Solar. Across America, 140,000 new PV systems were installed in the past year. Aside from California and Arizona, the market volume in the other States is even smaller than in the Netherlands. Why would people want PV? It is a combination of a feeling of independence; financial benefits; certainty about future energy costs; distrust of the large energy companies; and green dreams. Private initiatives arise everywhere, from the local tennis club to new solar energy cooperative. And this is copied in the business market: from agrarian to Google. Europe and the USA lead the way in this. The other continents will follow soon, because the motives are universal. In absolute sense, Germany is still leading the market, with more than 1,3 million solar energy systems.However the USA is only just gaining momentum with 445.000 PV systems on a total of 70 million households. In China, the residential market is still untapped. So the market potential is enormous.
4. SOLAR ENERGY PRODUCES PEAK CURRENT IN A GROWING ENERGY MARKET Solar energy systems produce energy when the demand is at the highest: at daytime and during sunny times (air conditionings on).'Previously', we are talking about 5 years ago, electricity was most expensive on the trade market for energy in Germany during summer. Now the over 150 million solar panels in the country are supplying almost 50% of all required power on sunny days, and the prices on the power exchange are precisely lower than on other days. This saves hundreds of millions of euros a year. This is not directly a benefit for energy companies, who used to make more profit during peak hours. The demand for electricity at peak and other times will only continue to grow worldwide. According to the ' New Policies Scenario ' of the IEA, will increase by more than 67% in the period from 2011 to 2035. In 2013, the contribution of PV was less than 1% of global electricity demand.
5. NEW CONSTRUCTION GOES TO 'ZERO ENERGY CONCEPTS'. The focus of the PV industry has mainly focused on the most favorable existing roofs so far. Now that solar energy is profitable in more and more markets without subsidies and the cost drops even lower, the application at new residential buildings and structures is an inevitable choice. It is the time to let the depreciation run along with that of the building. Thus the production costs are even lower, making you a thief of your own wallet if you let this opportunity pass. Clients and architects favor energy efficient and energy-neutral new construction more and more. The market for new construction will only increase globally as a result of increasing population and growing prosperity, particularly in emerging economies. The EU has determined Directive 2010/31/EU that by 31 December 2020, all new buildings have to be nearly zero-energy buildings. And in the U.S. Obama has set a target that 100% of all new federal government buildings have to be energy neutral by 2030.
6. POWER TO THE PEOPLE: INDEPENDENCE AND COOPERATIVES Certainly in Western countries there is a trend towards 'independence'. 'Power to the people', more transparency and reduced reliance on large institutions. Not only in the financial sector (crowd funding instead of banks), but also in the energy sector. New local energy cooperatives thrive in many countries, from the UK to the Netherlands, Germany to the USA, who together choose to generate green electricity in a fair and transparent manner. With energy storage in the near future, the quest for independence can take further shape. 'Breaking free of large institutions and the government' is something that appeals to more and more people. Those same energy companies are therefore, according to experts, in a.With the increase of decentralized sustainable energy, the demand for electricity from conventional coal, nuclear or gas plants decreases. The fixed costs of these plants must be supported by an ever smaller group of customers and thus increase, leading to an even greater flight of customers to the ever-cheaper all renewable energy.
7. THE NEW REVOLUTION OF EVS AND ENERGY STORAGE Although the storage of solar energy is still in its infancy, there is already a revolution going on. Just look at the mobile phone. Modern Li-ion batteries have twice the capacity per unit weight as the first commercial versions that Sony sold in 1991 - plus they are 10 times cheaper. And this is only the beginning. Energy storage is ' the next big thing ' and a stimulator in the renewable energy revolution. The cost of storing energy in the years ahead will drop spectacularly. Not only by the telecom applications, but also by the rise of EVs (electric vehicles). The storage of renewable energy will be so cheap that you as a producer of solar energy decide when you want to use power and when you want to send it back into the grid and thus 'sell' it at the best price. The linking of PV with EVs is obvious. That link is also made by FastNed, the company that is constructing a network of 200 'solar powered' fast charging stations at strategic points along the Dutch motorways. Additionally EV trendsetter Tesla itself constructs its own network of 'Tesla Superchargers' in Europe, of course with PV on the rooftop. The expectation of the IEA (International Energy Agency) is that worldwide, by 2020 more than 20 million plug-in electric and hybrid electric cars are in use. If those will run purely on solar energy, that in itself will require hundreds of Gigawatts of new PV capacity. And this development does not stop by 2020.This market is also in its infancy.
8. TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS Solar energy is not a new technology, as many think; it was already used in satellites in 1958 and from 1966 onwards in buildings. The technology celebrates its 60th anniversary of the discovery of the solar cell. The efficiency of solar panels still increases every year, just as cars become more efficient each year. The panel efficiency of the market leading First Solar has increased from 9.5% to 13.2% since 2006.This is an increase of 39%, while in the same period, the cost of the panels have decreased with 55%.Their roadmap for 2017 provides a panel efficiency of 18.1 to 18.9 percent, while on a laboratory scale is already a record of 20.4% was achieved. Technologically the end is still far from being achieved and in sight. Theoretically, the solar cell efficiency can be much higher. Today's multi-crystalline silicon solar panels contain solar cells with an efficiency of around 20%, while the best cell in the research lab already has an efficiency of 44%.Those 'high end pieces' are however very expensive to produce and therefore more suitable for aerospace. Nevertheless, technological progress will infiltrate into commercial applications, as the Formula 1 is a testing ground for the automotive industry. Major technological steps are taken not only in the development of solar cells and panels, but also in the analysis, measurement and control (via software) solar installations. For good reason the brainy college MIT in Boston puts 'Smart Solar Power' in its Top 10 'breakthrough technologies' in 2014.Through careful analysis of the wealth of information on the optimal operation of solar energy systems and advanced artificial intelligence, detailed forecasts and projections can be made. These ensure that solar energy systems, roofs and parks are able to work more efficiently and will have a higher yield. In addition, it means that solar power can be integrated into the electricity network more smoothly and with larger quantity.
9. ERA WITHOUT SUBSIDIES In more and more markets PV application has passed the grid parity moment now: self-generated solar power is cheaper than electricity from the grid. In Western markets without subsidies, such as the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy, it is more economical to invest in PV on your roof, then to put your money in the bank. Therefore, Deutsche Bank predicts a second "solar gold rush". In rural applications, solar energy is almost always cheaper than electricity from diesel generators. This while the prognosis is that this diesel market by itself is expected to reach over 40 billion dollars in what hinders this growth? Some countries and lobbies of energy companies are anxiously trying to stop PV application with bizarre rules, such as in Spain, a country where PV has been profitable for a long time now. People who want PV panels mounted on their roof there, are risking a fine of 30 million... The fact is that the power companies get in a 'death spiral'. Their sales drop because customers generate solar power themselves, and on the other hand, the fixed costs of existing fossil power plants have to be distributed among less sold kilowatt hours. As a result of these rising costs to be even more clients will invest in solar energy. McKinsey defines this as "The disruptive potential of solar power". Big energy companies have seen their share decline, in turn affecting their financial strength. RWE lost 70% since 2008 and has now decided to focus more on Renewables. The other giant E.On invests it in Sungevity, one of the PV market leaders in the USA. Turning the business model of the energy giants towards the sun means even more consumers and businesses are prompted to choose solar energy.
10. FINANCIAL WORLD WILL EMBRACE Besides energy companies the major investors also increasingly discover the benefits of solar energy as an investment. Business Week recently reported that the investments in solar energy in 2013 increased by 23%.Take for example the world's most successful investor Warren Buffet. His company MidAmerican Energy offered 1 billion in bonds at 5.375 percent interest to finance half of world's largest PV plant in California. In total, Buffets company already invested several billion dollars in solar energy. Another forerunner and famous investor in solar energy is Google. Why do they do this? Solar power plants are even more predictable and constant in yield than windmills. And a predictable, 'steady cash flow' for at least 20 years, that (large) investors love. Through contracts with energy companies (PPAs) deals are closed with a term of 20 years. No worries about yields, impending CO2 levies, unsuspected environmental, uncertain costs of fossil fuels. Solar power can compete in more and more places and can operate for a long time with little maintenance. And after 20 or 25 years, just replace the panels for even cheaper and more efficient ones. All infrastructure remains and the engine is staged, resulting in even cheaper electricity for another 25 years. Pension funds are the next group of major lenders that will explore solar energy. And this big money contributes to more major projects, cheaper financing, cheaper solar power and more investors.


Saturday, 7 November 2009

Lca Of Evogene Castor Bean Biodiesel Gives 90 Emissions Saving

Lca Of Evogene Castor Bean Biodiesel Gives 90 Emissions Saving
SOURCE: EVOGENE Apr 08, 2010 09:00 ET


REHOVOT, ISRAEL--(Marketwire - April 8, 2010) - Evogene Ltd. (TASE: EVGN) currently announced the results of a Environment Succession Go over (LCA) of biodiesel formed from castor bean varieties human being full-fledged by the Small business. The guesstimate shows that such biodiesel reduces Hothouse Gases (GHG) emissions by 90% compared to petroleum diesel in the U.S. The results are based on Evogene's objectives for castor bean varieties, rumored at growing crop yields to 4-5 ton/ha on semi-arid lands -- at bare focusing on Texas and Brazil -- and as follows escape the additional benefit of not contra as a result of goods use of arable trudge.

The LCA was conducted by Symbiotic Hard work, a commercial specializing in GHG and sustainability path and escape trappings to have a go crisp projects and products, and was peer-reviewed by Dr. Arunprakash Karunanithi from the Academic world of Colorado, Denver.

"The results of the LCA backing our theory in castor bean as a practicable and sustainable second-generation feedstock for biofuel production. Based on our project objectives, the castor bean varieties we are simple fix a rule to bungalow the curt need for sustainable, far-flung accessible and sum efficient solutions for the biofuel assiduousness," acknowledged Mr. Assaf Oron, Evogene's EVP Point and Factor Development. "We are trenchant to hunt the wishes of the biofuel assiduousness order castor bean courtesy and inspection of our varieties in strictness trials, hardly customary in Texas and Brazil."

The guesstimate evaluates the environmentally friendly weight of biodiesel formed from the castor bean varieties human being full-fledged by Evogene as compared to public petroleum diesel and biodiesel originating from soybean.

Have a spat Spectacle THAT EVOGENE'S CASTOR BEAN BIODIESEL Be successful AND USE





Castor Bean ("Ricinus Communis") is a non-edible crop as a result of naturally fine oil contented in its seeds and its rise requires sensibly low inputs. As ahead disclosed, Evogene is focusing on sensibleness of fine dispensation castor bean varieties, fitting for cost-efficient rise on non-arable lands in southern U.S. and northeastern Brazil, by the use of admirably automated production. The economic goal for Evogene is to be price aggressive short turmoil subsidies at an oil price alike to 45 per barrel.

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